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House Museum

The alternative preservation agency that uses conceptual art methods to revitalize historic landmarks


11 new site-specific artworks at the John Rowland Mansion

 by David Horvitz + Zara Schuster + Terremoto, Evan Curtis Charles Hall, and Emily Barker




Full story in Hyperallergic by Matt Stromberg



House Museum exists as a series of citywide programs that connect the public to site-specific installations. Each exhibition, whether interior, virtual, or otherwise, uses contemporary art methodologies to activate historic landmarks and to engage the communities impacted by them. House responds to challenges at the intersection of art, architecture, and historic preservation. Site by site, House is building a decentralized, meta-museum network.





House Museum is a 501c3 nonprofit organization filed with the Pennsylvania Department of State's Bureau of Corporations and Charitable Organizations. All donations are tax deductible.

Your generous contribution goes directly to supporting artists and site-specific programs.



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House Museum is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization based in Philadelphia, PA, USA.


Interested in contributing a vacant site or partnering with House? Please contact info [at]



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"In my Father's house there are many dwelling places." John 14:2